Appeal for donations
Aid network for survivors of Nazi persecution in Ukraine
The current war in Ukraine has left many people in great need. Among those suffering are also the survivors of National Socialist persecution. They need our help now more than ever, so that vital basics such as warmth, food and medical care can be ensured. But the reconstruction of their homes after war must also be supported.
With this aim in mind, the Aid network for the survivors of Nazi persecution in Ukraine was founded on 9 March 2022 on the initiative of the non-profit association KONTAKTE-KOHTAKTbI. It consists of numerous associations, foundations, places of remembrance and memorial sites in Germany and Austria that come to terms with crimes of the Nazi era. Some of them maintain long-standing contacts with survivors of Nazi persecution, specialist colleagues and cooperation partners in Ukraine.
Help the survivors of Nazi persecution in Ukraine with your donation!
Donations account: Berliner Volksbank
Recipient: Kontakte-Kontakty
IBAN: DE59 1009 0000 2888 9620 02
KONTAKTE-KONTAKTbI e.V. manages the donations on a fiduciary basis.
With heartfelt thanks
Your Aid network