
Jan Aksman

born 09.12.1920 Radomsko (Poland)

Profession Agricultural worker
Last place of residence Kassel
Reason of detention Theft


Jan Aksman was born in the small town of Radomsko, Poland in 1920. As a young man, he was deported to Germany for forced labour. Here he was made to work for the Henschel company in Kassel. He was housed in the Henschel warehouse at the Schäferberg in Kassel. On 25 May 1943, Jan Aksmann was sent to the Breitenau "work education camp" (AEL) on the grounds of to "potato theft". After just under a month in prison, he was sentenced to protective custody and thus ordered to be transferred to the concentration camp system. On 19 June 1943, Jan Aksmann was sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Nothing is known about his subsequent fate.
